To me, no one or no party offers all the answers. I guess the privilege (responsibility?) of living in a democracy is to elect those we believe may do, or at least offer us the greatest compromise…
I hear political promises
Pledges of a spending spree
Numbers so big I can’t comprehend them
There are too many zeros for me.
I’m told we’re a major economy
With employment a record high
That we’re on the right road and everything’s rosy
And then I ask myself why…
So many people can’t pay their rent
Even when they’re at work forty hours
And why so many people scream out for a change
Appealing to all sorts of powers,
Why so many people blame Europe
And so many people blame us
Each of us points a finger at someone
And some even blame signs on a bus.
Views at each end of the spectrum
A Nation sadly divided
What happened to moderation?
Everything seems so one-sided
And currently we seem so split on those pledges
And who shakes that monetary tree
Billions appear to be at our disposal
To chuck about frivolously
I don’t understand it, where did it come from?
I guess it came from you and me
Well if it’s there I guess we should spend it
To unite us so we feel differently.
So I listen to those political pledges
And try hard to understand
I’m told some plans for spending are so wise and frugal
Whilst some are dismissed out of hand
I know that it’s okay to borrow
I’ve done it personally
In fact when I took out a mortgage
It was much greater than my GDP
So I recognise the value of money
And the return good investment can give
I just hope their motivation, is to make our nation
A much Kinder Country to live.
Photo Credit: Min Jun Tan, Unsplash