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Gary's Books


The Butterfly and the Bear by Gary Milsom

The Butterfly And The Bear

Henry Ovmeister came to terms with his past a long time ago. He buried it deep...

Vanessa by Gary Milsom


Born to a troubled mother and a resentful father, and raised in an impoverished area of Paris...

The Butterfly and the Bear and Vanessa are part of The Butterfly and the Bear

trilogy. Of course, a trilogy is three books and those more observant of you will

notice there are but two. I do plan to write the 3rd, but am undecided whose

story to tell – Delores’? Edith’s? Maybe even Bobby Anderson’s. It would be

nice to hear from readers as to whose story they’d like next.


Of the two current novels, I have been have asked to recommend in which

order they should be read. Whilst both tell their own stories, if you are

planning to read both, I’d suggest reading The Butterfly and the Bear first.

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I Like Being a River, children's picture book by Suffolk author, Gary Milsom

I Like Being a River

The Dragon on the Hill by Gary Milsom
Fern by Gary Milsom

The Dragon on the Hill


Is it really a dragon the boy spots by the beach?

The heartwarming tale of Fern and the fern she planted as a little girl...



If...ish I Wish

A collection of poems that mostly rhyme...

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Of... Changing Days and Days that Don't

A second collection of poems that mostly rhyme...

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