Brexit Trump and trade deals
Opinions made of stone
Severed ties and friendships
We’re better off alone
To get to true democracy
Tempt them with the fruit you’ve sewn
And if more than half are hungry
You’ve got democratic clones
Divide and rule and conquer
Tell them others are to blame
Prey upon their differences
Not where they’re the same
Tell them looking inwardly
Is sure to serve them best
And they’ll gather up the feathers
And feather your own nest.
Don’t let them look inside their heads
Or listening to their hearts
Don’t let them think that wholesome’ s
The sum of all their parts
Make them believe not yielding
Is where their strength resides
And that its weak to heed another’s view
Or to seek that compromise
And if we can keep division
Our power stays intact
They’ll believe just what we tell them
And that incredulous is fact
Stop them talking kindness
Or love for fellow man
And we’ll hold on to what we’ve got
And they’ll be grateful that we can.
Because if they become united
And embrace their own esprit
They just might unlock our secrets
And know they hold the key
And when they look into their hearts
I’ve no doubt that they will see
We strive only to represent ourselves
And not humanity.